The Springboard Consulting Learning Institute trains Corporate America’s cross-functional, cross-industry leaders to develop their skills in the mainstreaming of individuals with disabilities in the global workforce, workplace and marketplace.
Depending on the topic, classes are taught utilizing a variety of learning modalities including lecture, facilitated dialogue, small group exercises, role-play, and hands-on experience. SCLI courses are not based on theory, but rather practical applications.
Competence breeds confidence. The SCLI delivers disability-related programming that new and experienced leaders alike need in today’s ever-changing business environment. SCLI courses provide personal and professional development while ensuring business success and sustainability for your team, your department and your company; why, because Our instructors are themselves experienced professionals who understand your unique corporate challenges. And, SCLI offers custom, company-specific training programs to meet individual needs.
Course Name: Special Needs Planning Program Training (May 12 & 13, 2022)
To learn more >> sc-events-snpp
Course Name: Real Estate: Serving the Client & Closing the Deal (Not scheduled at this time.)
To learn more >> sc-events-real-estate-01
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Course Name: Special Needs Planning Program Training (September 28-29, 2021)
Course Name: Real Estate: Serving the Client & Closing the Deal (November 18, 2021)
Course Name: Special Needs Planning Program Training (June 8-9, 2021)
Course Name: Special Needs Planning Program Training (March 29-30, 2021)
Course Name: Special Needs Planning Program Training (January 25-26, 2021)
Course Name: Special Needs Planning Program Training (September 14-15, 2020)
Course Name: The Practical Side of Web Accessibility and Usability in Hiring and in the Workplace.
To learn more >> sc-events-accessibility-usability
Course Name: Disability Etiquette & Awareness Train-the-Trainer (DT3)
To learn more >> sc-events-dt3
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For additional questions and information, please contact Ivette Lopez: E: [email protected]