As the Founder and President of Springboard Consulting I want to thank you for taking the time to DIVE IN to Springboard’s many pools of information and expertise.  Springboard is recognized as an expert in mainstreaming disability in the global workforce, workplace and marketplace.

As the mom of two beautiful girls who have special needs I understand firsthand the issues that individuals who have disabilities, and their families face.

It is my hope that Springboard will become a seamless partner with every company and government agency in America and around the world so that everyone with a disability, including their families and friends will feel welcome and wanted with every purchase they make, trip they take, job they get and with everyone they meet.

Remember, for your company, successfully supporting this segment of the population will mean improved productivity, retention and profitability. For the community you serve, it will mean the world!

Is this a Strategic Advantage?  Perhaps. Is this a Business Imperative?  Definitely!

I look forward to collaborating with you and your organization very soon.