This toolkit is designed to assist you in developing programs and policies that will improve the mental health and wellness of your employees, which can result in better attendance and work productivity.
Mental Health Toolkit: Managers/LeadersFormat: Electronic (PDF) Total Number of Pages: 96 Cost: $5,000 USD – Includes a royalty-free, paid-up, non-exclusive |
This toolkit is designed to assist you in developing programs and policies that will improve the mental health and wellness of your employees, which can result in better attendance and work productivity.
The policies and programs that you develop through this manual will enable you to focus efforts in three key areas:
• Your management team and employees will gain a clearer understanding of mental illnesses, resulting in a corporate culture of compassion.
• They will also learn the impact that mental health as on the workplace if left untreated.
• Your management team will learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health in your employees and know how to respond.
• They will understand employment and anti-discrimination laws surrounding mental illness.
• Your management team will learn how to develop a plan of action if and when a mental health crisis strikes.
• They will learn how to intervene with employees facing a mental health challenge and know how to refer them to the proper resources.
• They will learn how to make accommodations for individuals with mental illness in an effort to alleviate any concerns and anxieties about their condition.
• They will learn how to become more comfortable having conversations with employees about their or their loved ones’ mental health.
• Your management team will be able to develop mental health and wellness practices that will improve morale and contribute to better health outcomes for employees.
• They will develop policies that could reduce workplace stress and accompanying mental illness.
They will be able to make accommodations for employees with mental illness, potentially avoiding anti-discrimination complaints.